Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

Environmentally Conscious Marketing Research Centre

Purpose and mission:

To initiate and conduct research projects in the field of environmental marketing, also known as eco-marketing, to coordinate and supervise research projects, and to increase the international visibility of the research team in line with the strategic goals of the institute and the faculty.

Main activities:

  • developing and implementing research projects the field of environmental marketing
  • dissemination of research results
  • integrating research results into teaching materials
  • encouraging student research on sustainable marketing, nurturing talent and developing scientific talent in this field 
  • cooperation with other research centres at national and international level, setting up joint projects

Head of the research centre:

Dr. Nagy Szabolcs

Members of the research centre (2024): 

  • Prof. Dr. Piskóti István
  • Dr. Molnár László 
  • Dr. Hajdú Noémi
  • Dr. Marien Anita
  • Nagy Katalin

Founding members (2006):

Dr. Piskóti István, Nagy Szabolcs, Schupler Helmuth, Szántó Ákos

Brief history

Shortly after the millennium, the Marketing Institute, established in 2000, conducted research in two areas: regional and settlement marketing (István Piskóti) and eco-marketing (Szabolcs Nagy), with the support of the Higher Education Research Development Fund.  In 2006, we started to organise the research activities of the Institute around Research Competence Centres as research communities/workshops led by colleagues with expertise in the respective topics. Thw following research centres were created:
  • Business marketing (István Piskóti)
  • Eco-marketing (Szabolcs Nagy)
  • Sales and Trade (László Dankó)
  • Region and city marketing, city branding (Helmuth Schupler)
In 2008, the name of Eco-marketing Research Centre was changed to Environmentally Conscious Marketing Research Centre. The members of the research centre disseminate their research results in national and international journal articles, textbooks, book chapters and participate in prestigious international conferences.

Main publications

Journal Articles (Scopus & WoS)

  1. Siwiec, Dominika ; Pacana, Andrzej ; Gavurová, Beáta ; Ključnikov, Aleksandr ; Nagy, Szabolcs: Qualitative-environmental aspects of products improvement in SMEs from V4 countries, PRODUCTION ENGINEERING ARCHIVES 30 : 1 pp. 75-85. , 11 p. (2024) Q2 
  2. Szabolcs, Nagy ; László, Molnár ; Noémi, Hajdú:  Understanding the Human Dimensions of the Intention to Use Renewable Energy in Hungary – Applying an Extended Model of Theory of Planned Behaviour,  AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC 25 : 64 pp. 830-847. , 18 p. (2023) Q2 
  3. Szabolcs, Nagy ; Mariann, Veresné Somosi, The relationship between social innovation and digital economy and society, REGIONAL STATISTICS 12 : 2 pp. 3-29. , 27 p. (2022) Q2 
  4. Maslak, Olga ; Grishko, Natalya ; Yakovenko, Yaroslava ; Mohammed, Sarkhel ; Buchashvili, Khatuna ; Nagy, Szabolcs: Scenarios of the logistics systems development for industrial enterprises in a view of sustainability and efficiency, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 21 : 2/3/4 pp. 303-321. , 19 p. (2022) Q3 
  5. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Veresné Somosi, Mariann: Students’ Perceptions of Sustainable Universities in Hungary: An Importance-Performance Analysis, AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC 22 : 54 pp. 496-515. , 20 p. (2020) Q2 
  6. Lyudmyla, Potrashkova ; Diana, Raiko ; Leonid, Tseitlin ; Olga, Savchenko ; Szabolcs, Nagy, Methodological provisions for conducting empirical research of the availability and implementation of the consumers’ socially responsible intentions, MARKETYNH I MENEDZHMENT INNOVACIJ / MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS 2018 : 3 pp. 133-141. , 9 p. (2018), WoS 
  7. Szabolcs, Nagy ; Csilla, Konyha Molnárné: The Effects of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions on Pro-Environmental Behaviour: How Culture Influences Environmentally Conscious Behaviour, THEORY METHODOLOGY PRACTICE: CLUB OF ECONOMICS IN MISKOLC 14 : 1 pp. 27-36. , 10 p. (2018) 
  8. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Piskóti, István ; Molnár, László ; Marien, Anita, The Relationship Between Values And General Environmental Behaviour, ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT 17 : 1 pp. 272-278. , 7 p. (2012) 

Conference proceedings

The results of the research workshop have been published several times at prestigious international scientific conferences such as EMAC, organised by the European Marketing Academy, MAG, IAPNM, etc.:
  1. Piskóti, István ; Hajdú, Noémi: Benchmarking of Hungarian Corporates CSR Reports Regarding the Topics In: Diaz Meneses, Gonzalo (szerk.) 12th International Congress on Public and Non-Profit Marketing Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spanyolország : University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2013) pp. 28-39. , 12 p
  2. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Piskóti, István ; Molnár, László ; Marien, Anita: Environmentally conscious behaviour in Hungary, In: Rita, Paulo (szerk.) 41th EMAC Conference : Marketing to Citizens Going beyond Customers and Consumers, Lisszabon, Portugália : ISCTE Business School (2012) 562 p. Paper: 45 , 7 p. 
  3. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Piskóti, István ; Molnár, László ; Marien, Anita:  Social Marketing In Practice: Environmental Behaviour Based Segmentation In Hungary, In: Kim-Shyan, Fam; László, Józsa; Lin, Yang (szerk.) Retracing the Silkroad : MAG Scholar Global Business Marketing and Turism Conference 2012 conference proceedings, Győr, Magyarország : Széchenyi István Egyetem (2012) 357 p. Paper: 7 , 10 p. 
  4. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Piskóti, István: Values and Environmentally Conscious Behaviour (ECB) in Hungary, In: José, Carlos Pinho (szerk.) 6th International Congress on Public and Non-Profit Marketing, IAPNM 2008: Proceedings Braga, Portugália : Universidade do Minho (2007) 79 p. Paper: 21 , 10 p. 

Books and book chapters

  1. Szabolcs, NAGY ; Gabriella, METSZŐSY ; Krisztina, VARGA ; László, MOLNÁR: Pro-Environmental Behaviour Of Hungarian Companies In The Electromechanical Industry: (Chapter 4), In: Dominika, Siwiec; Marzena, Hajduk-Stelmachowicz; Paulina, Bełch (szerk.) Qualitative-environmental aspects of products improvement, Rzeszów, Lengyelország : Publishing House of the Rzeszow University of Technology (2024) 145 p. pp. 61-77. , 17 p.
  2. Nagy, Szabolcs: Az értékek környezettudatos magatartást befolyásoló hatásának elemzése. In: Veresné, Somosi Mariann; Sikos, T. Tamás (szerk.) A fenntarthatóság holisztikus megközelítésben. Budapest, Magyarország : Akadémiai Kiadó (2023) 501 p. pp. 396-422. , 26 p.
  3. Nagy, Katalin (szerk.): Környezettudatos marketing elmélet és gyakorlat a fiatalok szemléletformálása érdekében, Megjelent: Szikszó Nagyközségi Tanács VB, Felsővály Község Önkormányzata, Szikszó, Magyarország, 139 p. 2021
  4. Piskóti, István ; Marien, Anita: Társadalmi problémák, kihívások hatékony megoldása: A társadalmi marketing modellje In: Nagy, Katalin (szerk.) Környezettudatos marketing elmélet és gyakorlat a fiatalok szemléletformálása érdekében : Szemelvények egészség- és környezettudatos marketing megoldásokból,  Szikszó, Magyarország : Szikszó Nagyközségi Tanács VB, Felsővály Község Önkormányzata (2021) 139 p. pp. 7-23. , 17 p.
  5. Hajdú, Noémi: CSR as a part of management control system, In: Berényi, László (szerk.) Management Challenges in the 21st Century. Volume III : Diversity of Challenges, Saarbrücken, Németország : Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP) (2017) 173 p. pp. 71-79. , 9 p.
  6. Tóth, Orsolya ; Molnár, László: Environmentally Conscious Innovations and Sustainable Lifestyle, In: Piskóti, István; Molnár, László (szerk.) Effective innovation and marketing solutions : Theoretical and empirical aspects of innovation marketing, Saarbrücken, Németország : GlobeEdit (2016) 209 p. pp. 55-69. , 15 p.
  7. Nagy, Szabolcs ; Piskóti, István: Környezettudatos fogyasztói magatartás - társadalmi marketing megközelítésében, In: Lehota, József; Berács, József; Rekettye, Gábor (szerk.) Tomcsányi Pál akadémikus 90 éves : Az életminőség anyagi és szellemi igényeinek kielégítése fogyasztási marketing szemlélettel : Felolvasó ülés és tanulmánykötet, Budapest, Magyarország : MTA Agrár-közgazdasági Bizottság Agrármarketing Albizottság (2014) 305 p. pp. 187-205. , 19 p.

Higher educational books

  1. Nagy, Szabolcs: Sustainable consumption, Budapest, Magyarország : Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó (2011), ISBN: 9789631972450  
  2. Nagy, Szabolcs: Fenntartható fogyasztás. Budapest, Magyarország : Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó (2011) ISBN: 9789631972443   


  • Visegrad Fund, project ID: 22230264, Qualitative-environmental aspects of products improvement (2023-2024)
    • Projekt partners: Rzeszow University of Technology (POL), University of Miskolc, Pan-European University (CZ), Technical University of Kosice (SK)
    • Member of the international research team and head of the national research team: Dr. Nagy Szabolcs
    • Project participants, international and national research team members: Dr. Molnár László, Dr. Varga Krisztina, Metszősy Gabriella
    • Project website:
    • Results and monography:
  • OTKA K81718 "Paradigms of social marketing - theoretical-methodological research" research project K 81718 funded by the National Fund for Scientific Research: the study of environmentally and socially responsible behaviour (2010-12). 

International research partners

  • Rzeszow University of Technology (POL)
  • National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (UKR)
  • Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (UKR)
  • Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (UKR)
  • Pan-European University (CZ)
  • Technical University of Kosice (SK)

Talent management (TDK/OTDK) and supervising Theses

The Environmentally Conscious Marketing Research centre devotes considerable attention to talent management, academic training and the enrichment of students' knowledge of environmentally conscious marketing, and support for their research work. To date, more than 10 scientific student projects have been submitted in this area. We are particularly proud of our students who have been awarded prizes and special prizes at the OTDK (National Scientific Student Conference).

OTDK 1st place + Special Prize

  • Marianna Piskóti: Psychological factors of consumer behaviour on the functional food market, 2007 National Scientific Student Conference, Economics Section (XXVIII. OTDK Miskolc), Supervisor: Dr. Nagy Szabolcs

OTDK Special Prize

  • Lilla Prókaj: Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behaviour - An Analysis of the Relationship between Human Values and Consumer Behaviour; Comparison of Hungarian and Foreign Consumers, XXXI. OTDK, University of Pannonia, Section of Economics, 2013.  Supervisor: Dr. Nagy Szabolcs
  • Ádám Polonkai: Measuring Volunteer Motivation, Special Prize, 35th OTDK Sopron, Section of Economics, 2021,  Supervisors: Dr. Nagy Szabolcs and Dr. Hajdú Noémi

TDK (Scientific Student Conference) 1st place

  • Lívia Horváth - Zsuzsanna Szász: The impact of health awareness on purchasing decisions - ancient wisdom in a new world, 2010, Supervisors: Dr. Szabolcs Nagy and Dr. Noémi Hajdú
  • Lilla Prókaj: Environmental Consciousness and Consumer Behaviour - An Analysis of the Relationship between Values and Buying Behaviour, 2011


So far, more than 40 theses in Hungarian and English have been written by our talented students in the field of environmental marketing and sustainability with the support of the members of Environmentally Conscious Marketing Research Centre.